CompoundID: | Aequorinphotoprotein(untagged) |
Production: | recombinantlyproducedinE.coli,purifiedviamulti-stepchromatography |
Appearance: | whitelyophilizedpowder |
Reconstitution: | withCa2+freedoubledistilledwater |
Applications: | postitivecontrolinCa2+assays |
Purity: | >95%bySDS-PAGE |
CertificateofAnalysis MSDS
Prolume / NanoLight has over 20 years of experience in the field of bioluminescence. If available reagents/substrates do not match your experimental setup or packaging size, we are happy to customize them for you and help you find solutions. We are always grateful to work with Universities and Companies in order to expand the scientific horizon and solve problems.
Customized packaging solutions, especially for luciferase substrates, is key to prolonged shelf-life and reproducible results. In order to address your needs please:
We look forward to helping illuminate your scientific endeavor.